NPM : 10208293
KLS : 4 EA 12
Matkul : B. Inggris bisnis 2 (Softskill)
A. Positive degree (tingkat sama)
Rumus: Noun + to be + as + adjective + as + noun
My father is as old as your mother
The elephant is not as big as the horse
B. Comparative degree (tingkat lebih)
1. Noun + to be + adjective (satu suku kata)+ er + than + noun
2. Noun + to be + more + adjective (lebih dari 1 suku kata) + than + noun
My father is older than your mother
English is more important than Indonesian
C. Superlative degree (tingkat paling)
1. Noun + to be + adjective (1 suku kata) + est
2. Noun + to be + the + most + adjective (lebih dari 1 suku kata)
Bill Gates is the richest in America
John is the most famous person in the class
1. Untuk comparative degree tambahkan suffiks –er diakhir kata sifat (adjective) yang mempunyai satu suku kata dan tambahkan kata more di awal kata sifat yang mempunyai lebih dari satu suku kata. (lihat contoh bagian comparative degree)
2. Untuk superlative degree tambahkan suffiks –est diakhir kata sifat yang yang mempunyai satu suku kata dan tambahkan the most di awal kata sifat yang mempunyai satu suku kata lebih. (lihat contoh bagian superlative degree)
3. Kata sifat berikut adalah kata sifat yang tidak sesuai dengan aturan (irregular comparison)
Good/well Better Best Baik
Bad/ill Worse Worst Buruk/sakit
Little Less Least Sedikit
Much/many More Most Banyak
Far Farther Farthest Jauh
A. Jenis-jenis to be
1. Present form of to be = is, am, dan are (V1)
2. Past form of to be = was dan were (V2)
3. Past participle form of to be = been (V3)
B. Fungsi dan penggunaan to be
1. Penghubung subjek dengan pelengkap (complement) seperti adjective (kata sifat), noun (kata benda), dan adverb of place (keterangan tempat).
She is lazy (adjective)
I was a student (noun)
She has been in the class (adverb of place)
2. Digunakan dalam continous form dalam tenses.
Rumus: S + to be + + O
I am reading a book (present continous)
I was writing a book (past continous)
I will be singing (future continous)
I have been teaching English (perfect continous)
3. Digunakan dalam kalimat pasif
Rumus: S + to be + V3 + by + O
The game is played by the boy
The boy was loved by Vina
A. Menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang sedang terjadi ketika peristiwa lain terjadi di masa lampau.
Rumus: Past tense + when + past continous
When I was reading a book, my father came
1. Peristiwa pertama: I was reading a book
2. Peristiwa kedua: My father came
B. Menyatakan dua peristiwa yang sama-sama sedang terjadi di masa lampau.
Rumus: Past continous + while + past continous
I was dancing while she was singing
C. Menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang sudah terjadi diikuti oleh peristiwa yang lain di masa lampau.
1. Past perfect + before + past tense
2. Past tense + after + past perfect
I had eaten before I went home
After I I had eaten, I went home
a. Kejadian pertama: I had eaten
b. Kejadian kedua: I went home
A. Apabila ada “TO” dan “MODAL” (will, would, can, could, may, might, shall, should, must, has to/have to/had to), maka kata setelah “TO” dan ”MODAL” tersebut Wajib diikuti:
1. V1 (tampa S/ES)
I want to kiss you
She can sing a song
2. “BE”
He wants to be a millionaire
They will be smart
B. Apabila ada Has/have/had bertemu dengan Verb (kata kerja), maka verb tersebut wajid V3.
We have studied English at Quantum Education
She has been in Malang for two years
C. Apabila ada preposisition (kata depan) seperti of, on, in, at, after, before, by, through, for, dll diikuti dengan kata keja(verb) maka kata kerja tersebut di ditambah –ing.
I am capable of doing English test.
You can get the fresh air by opening the window
D. Fungsi “to be” (is, am, are, was, were, been) digunakan dalam
1. Adjective (kata sifat)
Anita is beautiful
2. Noun (kata benda)
This is a stone
3. Adverb of place (keterangan tempat)
The students are in the class
4. Continues tense
I am reading a book
I will be singing tomorrow
She has been singing for five minutes
5. Passive sentence (Kalimat Passive)
Rumus: S + to be + V3 + by + O
English is studied by the students
The building was built in 1999
Catatan: Penggunakan by bukan hal yang mutlak digunakan
E. Dalam menjawab soal error recognition, tentukan:
1. Keterangan waktu karena keterangan tersebut akan mempengaruhi bentuk tenses (apakah itu bentuk lampau, sekarang, atau akan datang)
I play a new game with my friends yesterday
Keterangan waktu dalam kalimat diatas dalam bentuk lampau “yesterday”, maka kata kerjanya harus dalam bentuk lampau juga (past tense). Karena kata kerja “play” masih dalam bentuk present, maka kata tersebut error dan menjadi jawaban yang benar.
2. Perhatikan kalimat atau kata yang tidak bergaris bawah pada soal error recognition karena kalimat atau kata tersebut sudah mutlak benar dan menjadi acuan untuk mengetahui kesalahan atau kebenaran pada kata-kata yang bergaris bawah.
If I had enough money, I will buy a ring for you
Perhatikan kata-kata yang tidak bergaris bawah ”If I had”. Kata-kata itu sudah mutlak benar dan menjadi acuan dalam menentukan kesalahan dalam kalimat selanjutnya. Karena kalimat yang menjadi acuan itu berbentuk if clause yang tipe ke-2 (S+V2), maka kalimat penyertanya harus tipe ke-2 juga (would+V1). Dalam hal ini pilihan B salah karena will seharusnya menjadi would.
3. Perhatikan kesesuaian antara subject dan predicate. Apabila subjeknya tunggal maka predikatnya menyesuaikan dengan subjeknya yaitu tunggal juga.
She works at the hotel
They work at the hotel
She is beautiful
They are beautiful
The student writes a novel
F. Apabila ada kata penghubung and, or, and but, maka kata sebelum dan sesudah penghubung tersebut wajib disejajarkan.
1. Noun + and/ or/but + Noun I don’t like apples but mangoes
2. Adjective + and/ or/but + adjective Is the teacher smart or stupid?
3. Adverb + and/ or/but + adverb She dances attractively and gracefully
4. V1 (es,es)/V2/ + and/ or/but + V1 (es,es)/V2/V3/
He likes and loves me
They sang and danced
I like writing and reading
G. Apabila dalam dialog pembicara pertama menggunakan bentuk lampau(past tense), maka respon dari pembicara kedua juga menggunakan bentuk past tense dan seterusnya.
Ani : Did you go to school yesterday?
Budi : Yes, I do.
Kalimat yang digunakan oleh Ani adalah kalimat dalam bentuk lampau, maka respon yang diberikan oleh Budi harus dalam bentuk lampau juga. Dalam hal ini opsi D adalah salah karena “do” seharusnya “did”.
H. Hafalkan rumus singkat berikut:
1. Relative pronoun
Subjek orang + who + verb/to be the girl who sits is my friend
Subjek orang + whom + Subjek the boy whom I met is handsome
Subjek benda/hewan + which + verb/to be the cat which has white fur is mine
Objek + Whose + Benda I like the man whose cap is white
2. If clause/conditional sentence
1. If + S + V1 + O, S+ Will + V1 + O If the teacher come, I will attend the class
2. If + S + V2 + O, S+ Would + V1 + O If the teacher came, I would attend the class
3. If + S + had +V3 + O, S+ Would + have + V3 + O If the teacher had come, I would have attended the class
1. If + S + is, am, are + Complement, S + Will + V1 + O
If you are handsome, I will marry you
2. If + were + Complement, S + Would + V1 + O
If she were an artist, I would invite him to the party.
3. If + S + Had + Been + complement, S + Would + Have + V3 + O
If she had been here, I would not have blamed her
NOTE: complement (pelengkap) terdiri dari Adjective, Noun, Adverb of place dan disingkat ANA
4. Causative verbs
1. S + Has/have/had/make/made + Objek orang + V1(tampa to, s, es) + O
The teacher has me study hard = Guru itu menyuruh saya belajar keras
2. S + Get/ask + Objek Orang + to + V1 (tampa s/es)
The teacher gets me to study hard = Guru itu menyuruh saya belajar keras
3. S + Has/have/had/make/made/Get/ask + Objek benda + V3
I make the door opened = Saya menyuruh pintu itu dibuka
5. Subjunctive (Harapan)
1. Present wish (harapan sekarang)
S1 + Wish/es (that) S2 + V2/were
I wish that you had money
She wishes Alicia were an artist
2. Past wish (harapan lampau)
S1 + wished (that) S2 + had + V3
Mike Tyson wished he had won match
My father wished that I had been successful in the test
1. Penggunaan Either dan Neither tanpa Or dan Nor
Seperti halnya kata-kata yang selalu diikuti oleh singular verbs lainnya (Silakan baca: Words always followed by singular verbs), penggunaan either dan neither adalah mengikuti pola berikut:
Either + singular subject + singular verb
Neither + singular subject + singular verb
1. Either student has passed the exam. (Salah satu dari (kedua) siswa itu telah lulus ujian).
2. Neither student has passed the exam. (Kedua siswa itu telah tidak lulus ujian).
3. Either book belongs to Jimmy. (Salah satu dari kedua buku itu milik Jimmy).
4. Neither book belongs to me. (Kedua buku itu bukan milikku).
• Either dan neither, jika ditempatkan di awal kalimat, selalu diikuti oleh singular verb (i.e. studies, works, goes, dll) atau singular verb phrase (i.e. has passed, has studied, is working, is going to pass, dll).
• Jika either dan neither langsung diikuti oleh noun, noun tersebut selalu singular (i.e. either student, neither student, either one, neither you, dll).
• Jika noun setelah either dan neither diawali of the, maka noun tersebut selalu dalam bentuk plural. (i.e. either of the students, neither of the students, dll)
Dengan menambahkan “of the”, keempat kalimat di atas dapat ditulis (dan maknanya sama) menjadi:
1. Either of the (two) students has passed the exam. (Salah satu dari (kedua) siswa itu telah lulus ujian).
2. Neither of the (two) students has passed the exam. (Kedua siswa itu telah tidak lulus ujian).
3. Either of the (two) books belongs to Jimmy. (Salah satu dari kedua buku itu milik Jimmy).
4. Neither of the (two) books belongs to me. (Kedua buku itu bukan milikku).
• Kata two adalah optional. Walaupun tidak ditulis (atau disebutkan), noun yang mengikuti either atau neither selalu bermakna dua individual atau dua group.
• Walaupun neither maknanya sama dengan “both…not”, dalam formal documents, hindari menggunakan both pada kalimat negatif. Dalam hal ini, gunakanlah “neither”. Kalimat 2 dan 4 di atas akan grammatically INCORRECT kalau ditulis:
2. Both students have not passed the exam. Juga INCORRECT kalau ditulis: Both of the (two) students have not passed the exam.
4. Both books do not belong to me. Juga INCORRECT juga kalau ditulis: Both of the (two) books do not belong to me.
Contoh kalimat yang menggunakan either dan neither secara mandiri (tanpa or dan nor) lainnya dapat dibaca di topik: Words always followed by singular verbs dan Conjunctions dan Penggunaannya,, sedangkan penggunaan either/neither + of the + noun dapat dibaca di topik: Penggunaan kata depan OF.
2. Penggunaan Either…or dan Neither…nor
Dalam hal ini, either…or dan neither…nor berfungsi sebagai paired conjunctions atau correlative conjunctions. Verb yang mengikuti either…or dan neither…nor ditentukan oleh subject kalimat setelah or atau nor. Verbnya akan plural jika setelah or atau nor diikuti oleh plural subject (plural nouns), dan sebaliknya, verbnya akan singular jika or atau nor diikuti oleh singular subject (singular nouns). Untuk lebih jelasnya, perhatikan pola berikut:
Neither + noun + or
nor + plural noun + plural verb
Neither + noun + or
nor + singular noun + singular verb
1. Either Tommy or Tommy’s friends are going to visit me tonight. (Tommy atau teman-teman Tommy akan mengunjungiku malam ini). Maknanya adalah kalau bukan Tommy yang akan mengunjungiku malam ini, teman-teman Tommy lah yang akan mengunjungi aku malam ini.
2. Neither Tommy nor Tommy’s friends are going to visit me tonight (Tidak Tommy, tidak juga teman-teman Tommy, akan akan mengunjungiku malam ini). Maknanya sama dengan : Both Tommy and Tommy’s friends are NOT going to visit me tonight. Tapi ingat, in formal documents hindari menggunakan BOTH dalam kalimat negatif.
3. Neither Yayat nor two of his friends are attending the class now. (Baik Yayat maupun dua teman baiknya sedang tidak menghadiri kelas (tidak kuliah) sekarang).
4. Either Jenny or Juli has seen the Ayat-Ayat Cinta (Salah satu, kalau bukan Jenny, Juli lah yang telah nonton Ayat-Ayat Cinta).
5. Neither I nor my daughter has seen the Ayat-Atay Cinta yet. (Baik saya maupun putri saya belum nonton Ayat-Ayat Cinta).
6. Neither I nor Eti likes this course. (Baik saya maupun Eti tidak suka mata kuliah ini).
Kalau posisi subject diputar, kalimat-kalimat di atas berubah menjadi:
1. Either Tommy’s friends or Tommy is going to visit me tonight. (Kalau bukan teman-teman Tommy, Tommy lah yang akan mengunjungiku malam ini).
2. Neither Tommy’ friends nor Tommy is going to visit me tonight (Tidak teman-teman Tommy, tidak juga Tommy, akan akan mengunjungiku malam ini).
3. Neither two of Yayat’s friends nor Yayat is attending the class now. (Baik dua teman Yayat maupun Yayat sedang tidak menghadiri kelas (tidak kuliah) sekarang).
4. Either Juli or Jenny has seen the Ayat-Ayat Cinta (Salah satu, kalau bukan Juli, Juni lah yang telah nonton Ayat-Ayat Cinta).
5. Neither my daughter nor I have seen the Ayat-Atay Cinta yet. (Baik putri saya maupun saya belum nonton Ayat-Ayat Cinta)
6. Neither Eti nor I like this course. (Baik Eti maupun saya tidak suka mata kuliah ini).
• Jika setelah or atau nor diikuti oleh pronoun, pronoun tersebut selalu dalam bentuk subject pronoun (he, she, it, I, you, we, they) .
• Either tidak boleh digunakan bersamaan dengan nor, dan neither tidak boleh digunakan bersamaan dengan or.
• neither… nor SELALU bermakna negatif, walaupun kelihatannya tanpa NOT. Perhatikan makna contoh-contoh kalimat di atas!
• Walaupun posisi subject diputar, makna kalimat tepat sama.
• Selain ditempatkan di awal kalimat, either dan neither juga dapat ditempatkan di tengah kalimat. Dalam hal ini, yang digabungkan tentu saja bukan subject kalimat.
1. Tonight, I will either study English at home or visit my girlfriend. (Malam ini, aku akan belajar bahasa Inggris di rumah, atau aku akan mengunjungi pacarku).
2. I used to like neither sandwich nor pizza, but I like them both now. (Dulu, aku tidak suka sandwich dan juga tidak suka pizza tetapi aku suka keduanya sekarang).
3. Amy walks neither fast nor slowly. (Jalannya Amy tidak cepat, juga tidak lambat).
Contoh kalimat lain yang menggunakan either…or dan neither…nor dapat dibaca di topik: Conjunctions dan Penggunaannya.
3. Penggunaan Either dan Neither dalam Negative Agreement
Pada kalimat-kalimat agreement, fungsi either dan neither sangat mirip dengan so dan too. Bedanya adalah: so dan too hanya digunakan pada affirmative (positive) agreement, sedangkan, either dan neither hanya digunakan untuk menyatakan negative agreement. Untuk lebih jelasnya, perhatikan pola berikut:
Negative statement, and + subject + negative auxiliary atau be + either
Negative statement, and + neither + positive auxiliary atau be + subject
1. I didn’t see my book this morning. My sister didn’t see my book this morning.
• I didn’t see my book this morning, and my sister didn’t either. (Aku tidak lihat bukuku tadi pagi, dan begitu juga adikku).
• I didn’t see my book this morning, and neither did my sister. (Aku tidak lihat bukuku tadi pagi, dan begitu juga adikku).
2. My wife is not a volleyball player. I am not a volleyball player.
• My wife is not a volleyball player, and I am not either. (Istriku bukan seorang pemain bola volley, dan begitu juga aku).
• My wife is not a volleyball player, and neither am I. (Istriku bukan seorang pemain bola volley, dan begitu juga aku).
3. I haven’t seen Ayat-Ayat Cinta yet. My sister hasn’t seen Ayat-Ayat Cinta yet.
• I haven’t seen Ayat-Ayat Cinta yet, and my sister hasn’t either.
• I haven’t seen Ayat-Ayat Cinta yet, and neither has my sister.
4. Maria will not go to the party tonight. Mario will not go to the party tonight.
• Maria will not go to the party tonight, and Mario will not either.
• Maria will not go to the party tonight, and neither will Mario.
5. She doesn’t like durian. He doesn’t like durian.
• She doesn’t like durian, and he doesn’t either.
• She doesn’t like durian, and neither does he.
Note: Walaupun polanya berbeda, tiap pasang kalimat negative agreement di atas memiliki makba yang sama.
Dan REMEMBER: dalam kalimat agreement, either dan neither hanya digunakan untuk menyatakan negative agreement, dan TIDAK PERNAH digunakan dalam affirmative (positive) agreement.
Apakah kalimat no 1 di atas dapat ditulis sebagai berikut?
• I didn’t see my book this morning, and my sister didn’t see my book this morning either. (Aku tidak lihat bukuku tadi pagi, dan adikku juga tidak lihat bukuku tadi pagi).
• I didn’t see my book this morning, and neither did my sister see my book this morning. (Aku tidak lihat bukuku tadi pagi, dan adikku juga tidak lihat bukuku tadi pagi).
Ya boleh. Namun, dalam bahasa Inggris, kalimat yang terbaik adalah kalimat yang paling singkat dan kalimat yang dinyatakan dengan pola yang paling tepat. So, jika anda disuruh milih kalimat mana yang lebih baik dan benar, maka jawaban anda seharusnya kalimat yang berikut:
• I didn’t see my book this morning, and my sister didn’t either.
• I didn’t see my book this morning, and neither did my sister.
1. The inc rease in the sales of new cars ……. Expected to make traffic jams worse.
A. Is
B. Are
C. Be
D. Being
2. Little children are usually afraid of …….. by their mother.
A. Left
B. To leave
C. Leaving
D. Been left
3. “ When did you realize you had lost your purse “ “ When I … ,one to pay the conductor”
A. Was needing
B. Had needed
C. Have needing
D. Am needing
4. ‘Why didn’t Didi wan to go home?’ ‘ His mother …… him for causing the car acc ident’
A. would blame
B. has blamed
C. is blaming
D. had blamed
5. The way professor Mattis teaches English not only keeps the student’ interest…….
A. And also increases their motivation
B. But also increasing their motivation
C. And he also increases their motivation
D. But also increases their motivation
6. The thief ……… into the room through this window because there are footprint near the door.
A. Was to get
B. My get
C. Would rather get
D. Must have got
7. He told me a lot about the Philippines. He ….. there for a long time.
A. Must have lived
B. Might be living
C. Ought to have lived
D. Should be living
8. Your son will be operated on tomorrow morning. He … have a good rest tonight’ the doctor said.
A. Might
B. May
C. Can
D. Must
9. Having given the prescription to the patient…
A. The medicine was taken regularly by the patient
B. The doctor told the patient to take the medicine regularly
C. The medicine had to be taken regularly by the patient
D. The patient was told to take the medicine regularly
10. ………. A few million rupiahs, he went on a four to Europe.
A. Saved
B. Has saved
C. He has saved
D. Having saved
11. The fact that he was put into prison for something that he had not done made his wife…
A. Cry
B. To be crying
C. Cried
D. To cry
12. ‘Andi, will you slose the windows, please. I’m busy right now’. I’m busy my self, but I………anyhow.
A. Will close them
B. Will have to close them
C. Will have them closed
D. Will ask you to c lose them
13. We are going on a long trip, so we must…
A. Have check ed the car
B. Have had the c ar checked
C. To have the car checked
D. Have the car checked
14. The company’s new product was …….. adv ertised on TV.
A. Nation
B. National
C. Nationally
D. Nationalize
15. The original …….. manuscript to the play is on display in the museum.
A. Written by hand
B. Writing hand
C. Hand written
D. Hand writing
16. The thief denied … the jewelry although the police forced him it admit it.
A. Steal
B. Stealing
C. To steal
D. In stealing
17. His shop was burnt down, ……… his car that was park ed nearby.
A. And either did
B. Also was
C. But neither was
D. And so was
18. ‘Who won the ford foundation scholars hip?’. ‘The high school student …. The city council had chosen as the beat student’.
A. he who
B. whose
C. whom
D. which
19. My brother needs two …. To help him run the store.
A. Mechanics
B. Carpenters
C. Instructors
D. Assistants
20. ….. is not yet know
A. can he be involved in the trade of narcotics
B. he is involved in the trade of narcotics
C. whether he is involved in the trade of narcotics
D. when he is involved in the trade of narcotics
1. Another title that would best explain the main idea of this story is ….
a. Typing with feet
b. Handicapped Girl Succeeds
c. Scrapbook from Life
d. Polio and its Effects
2. Emma Flores …..
a. worries a great deal
b. cannot walk
c. writes with her feet
d. feeds herself
3. Emma uses a respirator …..
a. to help her breathe at night
b. at all time
c. to help he type
d. only during the way
4. When Emma was a young girl in Mexican ….
a. Mexican children never got polio
b. Doctors knew a great deal about polio
c. She was the only child
d. She was one of many Mexican children struck by polio
5. Emma Flores is ….
a. selfish c. complaining
b. determined d. worrying
6. Emma’s schoolmates in college did not ….
a. feed her
b. wash and iron to her
c. help her dress
d. takes notes in class for her
7. Emma is thankful to her college schoolmates because ….
a. They did all her homework for her
b. They have her a scrap book for graduation
c. They help her walk
d. She would never have gotten through college without their help
8. Emma learned to write with her feet because ….
a. She can write faster with them than she can with her hands
b. She enjoy doing unusual things
c. She had already learned to use her feet to type
d. She cannot use her hands at all
9. Emma tutored other students because ….
a. Language major have tutor
b. She needed money to help get through college
c. She needed to feet important
d. It kept her mind off her worries
10. Emma made a scrap book for Sandy McIntyre because ….
a. She has grateful for the help Sandy had given her
b. Sandy had made her one of her
c. Sandy needed it for a class she was taking
d. It was a requirement for graduation
Part B : Structure and Usage
11. How many cards …. in the box ?
a. there are c. are there
b. there have d. have there
12. He is not from ….
a. French c. Spain
b. Korean d. Swiss
13. Cindy loves …. dinner for her husband.
a. preparing c. prepares
b. to prepare d. prepared
14. That’s the …. popular model they sell.
a. at least c. at last
b. leas d. least
15. She is not reading ….
a. either am I c. neither I am
b. neither am I d. either I am
16. We will be leaving …. Just a few minutes.
a. in c. on
b. at d. of
17. ….are the fresh and vegetables healthy for you, but they taste delicious too.
a. much more c. not only
b. not just d. of course
18. ….John studied very hard, he did not well on his final exam.
a. but c. however
b. because d. although
19. Blue jeans are worn by people of all economics levels, ….Millionaires to hose living on welfare.
a. not only c. including
b. both d. from
20. What ….to you ?
a. happen c. to happen
b. happening
Part Three : Vocabulary and Idiom
21. The football match result in a ….
a. loss c. draw
b. zero d. equalizer
22. All medicines should be kept out of …. the children.
a. hands c. contact
b. touch d. reach
23. I phoned Rani this morning but when I said who I was she ….
a. rang up c. shut up
b. hung up d. shut down
24. When he died he left …. amounting to $100,000.
a. accounts c. payment
b. obligations d. debt
25. It is against the …. not o wear helm one motorcycle.
a. rule c. order
b. regulation d. law
26. I have just …. an account with the BCA.
a. opened c. entered
b. made d. registered
27. In recent years inflation has almost tripled …. of living.
a. the price
b. the cost
c. the charge
d. the expense
28. Do you get extra payment if you work …. ?
a. extensively
b. overtime
c. continuously
d. overlong
29. …. about going for a swim this afternoon ?
a. when c. how
b. why d. who
30. My grandmother passes …. before I was born.
a. away c. by
b. off d. up
Jumat, 23 Maret 2012
Nama : Damar K. Anggoro .P
NPM : 10208293
KELAS : 4 EA 12
MATKUL : B. Inggris Bisnis 2 (Softskill)
This story had been handed down from generation to generation among the Javanese people in Indonesia for hundred of years or maybe a thousand years. The setting is Kediri, east Java in the 11th century. I heard this story from my mother when I was a kid. Now I have told this story to my three daughters. This is the story.
Long time ago in the island of Java there was a kingdom of Kediri. The king was Raden Putra. He was a rich and powerful king. He liked cock fighting. One of his wives told him that the queen had put poison in his food. The king was very angry. Without thinking deeply and without checking this information, he immediately ordered his soldiers to bring the queen to a wood and kill her. Soon the soldiers took her to the wood. But when they were there the soldiers took a pity on her. They did not want to kill her because she was a kind and wise queen and at that time she was pregnant. So they built a house and let the queen live there. Then they brought back to palace a deer’s heart to show the king that they had killed her.
Several months later the queen gave birth to a baby boy. He was a healthy and handsome boy. His name was Cinde Laras. Then he grew up to be a strong and smart boy. He liked to go to the wood. One day he found an egg. He brought it home and then when it hatched it became a cock. Like his father, Cinde Laras like cock fighting. He often went to neighboring villages to play cock fighting. His cock was a strong cock so it won all fight. He became famous. Everybody in the whole kingdom knew him and his cock.
Finally the news of Cinde Laras and his cock reached the king. He invited Cinde Laras to palace for a cock fight. So Cinde Laras came to the palace. In a fight his cock could easily beat the king’s cock. Everybody was surprised. They were even more surprised when Cinde Laras’ cock crowed. It was a strange crow.
‘Cockledodo, I am the cock of Cinde Laras, who lived in the wood, the son of Raden Putra’.
The king was very surprised. He questioned Cinde Laras immediately. Cinde Laras told him that he was the son of the queen who now lived in the wood. After that the king went to see the queen in the wood. She told him that she was a victim of palace politics.
The King regretted his unwise decision. Then he brought them back to palace and he punished to his evil wife. Later on Cinde Laras would replace him as the king of Kediri.
NPM : 10208293
KELAS : 4 EA 12
MATKUL : B. Inggris Bisnis 2 (Softskill)
This story had been handed down from generation to generation among the Javanese people in Indonesia for hundred of years or maybe a thousand years. The setting is Kediri, east Java in the 11th century. I heard this story from my mother when I was a kid. Now I have told this story to my three daughters. This is the story.
Long time ago in the island of Java there was a kingdom of Kediri. The king was Raden Putra. He was a rich and powerful king. He liked cock fighting. One of his wives told him that the queen had put poison in his food. The king was very angry. Without thinking deeply and without checking this information, he immediately ordered his soldiers to bring the queen to a wood and kill her. Soon the soldiers took her to the wood. But when they were there the soldiers took a pity on her. They did not want to kill her because she was a kind and wise queen and at that time she was pregnant. So they built a house and let the queen live there. Then they brought back to palace a deer’s heart to show the king that they had killed her.
Several months later the queen gave birth to a baby boy. He was a healthy and handsome boy. His name was Cinde Laras. Then he grew up to be a strong and smart boy. He liked to go to the wood. One day he found an egg. He brought it home and then when it hatched it became a cock. Like his father, Cinde Laras like cock fighting. He often went to neighboring villages to play cock fighting. His cock was a strong cock so it won all fight. He became famous. Everybody in the whole kingdom knew him and his cock.
Finally the news of Cinde Laras and his cock reached the king. He invited Cinde Laras to palace for a cock fight. So Cinde Laras came to the palace. In a fight his cock could easily beat the king’s cock. Everybody was surprised. They were even more surprised when Cinde Laras’ cock crowed. It was a strange crow.
‘Cockledodo, I am the cock of Cinde Laras, who lived in the wood, the son of Raden Putra’.
The king was very surprised. He questioned Cinde Laras immediately. Cinde Laras told him that he was the son of the queen who now lived in the wood. After that the king went to see the queen in the wood. She told him that she was a victim of palace politics.
The King regretted his unwise decision. Then he brought them back to palace and he punished to his evil wife. Later on Cinde Laras would replace him as the king of Kediri.
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